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Qianjiang Motorcycle and ETPL join hands to enter the Southeast Asian market!

Author:利信能源Release time:2023-12-12 Page View:44


Recently, Qianjiang motorcycle strategic marketing Huang Feiteng, electric technology BU Huang Qinhui, electric technology BU electric platform technology department Wu Chao, electric technology BU electric project management Department Wang Ji and other people visited ETPL, the two sides on the development of the electric motorcycle industry for in-depth understanding and discussion.


Through this meeting, both parties got to know each other better, explored possible cooperation opportunities, and further expanded their business scope. Qianjiang Motorcycle developed a new electric motorcycle platform for the Southeast Asian market, relying on Lishin high rate lithium iron phosphate battery (sustainable 3C charge 5C) to pursue new markets, creating new opportunities for electric motorcycles, while ETPL also expanded the business territory of lithium-ion power batteries.


Electric motorcycles are part of the urban transportation system. The fuel motorcycle in the short-distance transportation scene in the city is rapidly being replaced by electric motorcycles and electric mopeds. At present, the motorcycle industry is showing a trend of accelerating digital transformation and green transformation.


Qianjiang Electric Technology was established in March 2022. On the new energy track of two-wheeled vehicles, Qianjiang Motorcycle adopts multi-brand matrix layout such as QJMOTORe and Moling, spanning the two major markets of travel and play, domestic and international, to meet the needs of different users. It has realized the comprehensive layout of multi-track electric bicycles, electric mopeds, high-speed electric motorcycles, etc., and entered the game strongly with the unique system force and multi-brand strategy in the industry.

The company has established deep strategic cooperation with global leading enterprises such as Harley Davidson, linked the world's cutting-edge technology, formed a perfect technology research and development system and advanced intelligent manufacturing level, and is committed to becoming a global leader in the field of cycling. As early as 2000, Qianjiang has started the research and development and practice of new energy technology. After more than 20 years of practice and exploration, Qianjiang has accumulated rich practical experience in the development, application, equipment access, electronic information ecology and other aspects of new energy, and has integrated solutions.