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Mr. Hou Xiaohe, Director of ETPL Research and Development Center, was invited to attend the Science and Technology Festival of Remote Research Institute and delivered a speech

Author:利信能源Release time:2023-11-25 Page View:37



Recently, Geely Remote Commercial Vehicle Research Institute (hereinafter referred to as the remote Research Institute) held the second remote science and technology Festival in Hangzhou, ETPL with its power battery products to participate in this activity, the remote research Institute invited many industry big coffee to carry out technical discussion, sharing and exchange on the scene.



 Mr. Hou Xiaohe, Director of ETPL Research and Development Center, was invited to participate in the Remote Science and Technology Festival forum discussion and delivered a speech at the forum event.


At the forum exchange event site of the remote Science and Technology Festival, ETPL and many industry leaders conducted exchanges and discussions, and learned about the latest energy technology and development trend, ETPL will pay more attention to improve their own technical level in the future.

ETPL will focus on high safety, long life, high energy efficiency multi-dimensional continuous iterative innovation, to further consolidate the innovative position of ETPL in the field of new energy.