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The national flag is flying to show the new chapter, and the stage commendation promotes the progress.

Author:利信能源Release time:2024-01-04 Page View:86

ETPL Ningguo Factory 2024 Flag-Raising Ceremony And Project Phase Recognition Conference

The main project of ETPL Ningguo Project has achieved phased results at the end of 2023, and the installation of plant equipment has been carried out in an all-round way, and the installation, commissioning and trial production of key equipment will be completed in 2024.At 8:30 a.m. on January 2, 2024, ETPL Chairman Yu Wei, General Manager Fan Yaobing, Vice General Manager Ye Luping, Ningguo Project Commander-in-Chief Amit and other leaders together with all the staff attended the first flag-raising ceremony and project stage commendation meeting of Ningguo Project in 2024 to inspire staff morale and commend the benchmarks who made important contributions to the construction of Ningguo Project.All colleagues witnessed the extraordinary moment of this flag-raising ceremony and project stage recognition, with stars in mind, bathed in light, and went to the new journey of 2024 hand in hand!

Raise The National Flag And Play The National Anthem

       Wu Qiang, Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Ningguo Project, presided over the flag-raising ceremony and all colleagues attended.


Set An Example And Move Forward

Amit, the commander-in-chief of Ningguo Project, summed up the work in 2023 and expressed his heartfelt thanks to the vast number of employees who have devoted their efforts and sweat to the development of the enterprise.

The leaders presented awards to the employees who performed well in the construction stage of the project.Outstanding employees in the project stage include: Chen Peilin, Zhang Xiang, Yang Qinghua, Zhao Jing, Huang Kaixin, Huang Feng, Zheng Min, Zhang Wanping, Ye Mingyang and Zheng Zitong.

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2024 New Year New Journey


General Manager Fan Yaobing stressed that 2024 will be the year of the company's development, with the good omen of the rise of the dragon, taking advantage of the east wind of new energy development, looking forward to the future, there are more challenges and opportunities, more pressure and motivation, more pursuit and dreams, we will work together to overcome difficulties and forge ahead, and pour hope into a new beginning and a new journey.Encourage all cadres and staff to meet new tasks, new missions and new challenges with courage in the new year.



Chairman Yu Wei made a concluding speech that 2023 is the first year of Ningguo Times Project construction. Through this solemn and sacred flag-raising ceremony, it is a summary of the past and a prospect for the future. All employees should take this opportunity to "identify a direction, firm a belief, gather a force, refine a spirit and complete a mission".In order to realize our mission and reiterate the necessity and importance of safety production and compliance culture, we hope that all employees of the company will be pragmatic and pioneering, move forward bravely, lay a solid foundation for the development of 2024, and strive to create a new situation for the development and growth of the company.


After the conference, all employees expressed that they would devote themselves to all kinds of work in 2024 with full enthusiasm and high morale, and deeply practice the company's core values of "seeking truth and pragmatism, striving for progress, collaborative innovation and continuous improvement".

Look forward to the future, strive for the return of spring, seize the opportunity, and keep pace with the times.2024 starts a new journey in the new year!