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Good news | ETPL power battery obtained Geely remote commercial vehicle vehicle announcement is about to be mass produced and sold

Author:利信能源Release time:2023-10-17 Page View:47

On October 16, the 376th batch of "Road Motor Vehicle Production Enterprises and Product Announcement"issued by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology showed that the 125Ah lithium iron phosphate power battery independently developed by ETPL was announced by Geely remote commercial vehicle vehicle, and the power battery is about to be mass-produced and sold.

"Geely Car" is equipped with "ETPL Core", which marks that the power lithium battery manufactured by ETPL has passed rigorous tests and been recognized by automobile manufacturers, ETPL R & D and manufacturing capabilities have reached the industry leading level, and have large-scale production and delivery capabilities, ETPL has reached a new level in the field of power batteries!


At present, ETPL has two major production bases, including Zhenjiang base in Jiangsu Province with a capacity of 3GWh, and Ningguo Base in Anhui Province (Ningguo Times New Energy Co., LTD.) with a capacity of 12GWh.
