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ETPL high rate battery system obtained a commercial vehicle enterprise extended range heavy truck fixed-point notice

Author:利信能源Release time:2023-09-10 Page View:41

 After obtaining the fixed-point notice of a new energy commercial vehicle enterprise (hereinafter referred to as the "fixed-point") in July, ETPL has recently received the fixed-point of the company's extended range heavy truck power battery project. The fixed-point project shows that the company will purchase the new energy power battery system assembly from ETPL, and the battery system will be mass-produced and installed in the first quarter of 2024.


The power battery system adopts three-sided water cooling technology and has excellent thermal management performance. Support high rate charging and discharging under various working conditions; The battery system supports stacking up and down, which improves the space utilization and stability of the vehicle. Modular and extensible design to meet a variety of voltage platforms and power needs; The CTP structure design greatly improves the system grouping rate.

Through this project, it reflects the customer's high recognition of the R & D and manufacturing capabilities of ETPL. ETPL will continue to cultivate in the new energy industry, uphold the core values of truth-seeking and pragmatic, hard work and enterprising, collaborative innovation and continuous improvement, and build a battery manufacturing enterprise trusted by customers.

ETPL is committed to the research and development, production and manufacturing of lithium-ion batteries and systems, and its products are widely used in new energy passenger vehicles, commercial vehicles and energy storage markets. At present, ETPL has two production bases, among which Zhenjiang base in Jiangsu Province has a capacity of 3GWh, and Ningguo base in Anhui Province has a capacity of 12GWh.